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Pretty Please :)

Edits Needed?! The prologue to my story as promised. Suggestions and edits please! Would you like to read on? Let me know in the comments! I have to be quiet. Have to. Arms pinned to my sides, breathing slowly. In, out, in, out. I can hear my own heartbeat giving me away, it’s beats are like drums playing with thunder. Boom, boom, boom. I can’t stay here forever, they’ll find me soon enough. Flynns words echo back to me as I inhale the surgically clean carpet up my nose, “get out Ruthie, leave. And when you get away, run as fast as you can. Don’t hide, don’t look back. Promise me?” “I promise.” I’d whispered that promise over and over, even as I saw him dragged out of his cell, heard his screams bounce off of the plain grey walls of the corridor. Unable to help myself, I whimpered. Boot prints sounded, closer to the door of the room I had hidden in. Why did I choose to hide? Deep down I know that there’s nowhere I can go. The heavy footsteps halt at the door and the
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Big Questions

Big Questions. I have been challenged by the lovely Sheena Cundy  to begin my blog. On this blog I'm going to be uploading extracts from my in-progress novels, my poetry and answering the big questions in life.   ...It amuses me. In fact, I'm still giggling at it. Anyway, I've done it. Blog post numero uno completed. The next blog post will come in a bit, I'll publish my prologue from my teeny tiny novella. Let me know what you think of it in the comments sections. 😉